How to Proxy Git Connections

using socat to ...Git... through a corporate firewall


One of the first things you will notice when you start developing open source software for a larger corporation is the company firewall or proxy blocking all outgoing traffic not routed through their network appliance for inspection and review first. This sadly includes all of our git fetch traffic.

Before we can do anything upstream we first need to configure Git to pull in updates through these corporate firewalls. This is where the multipurpose relay tool, socat, shines.

Proxy http(s) Remotes

Git uses the Smart HTTP protocol to download updates from a remote that starts with https://* URI. These type of connections have become, by far, the most popular way to use Git today and is the default protocol used by many popular forges like GitHub or GitLab.

Internally Git relies on the libcurl library to handle these HTTP connections which means Git comes with the ability to proxy these requests built-in.

It also means that Git will respect your system's http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables. Simply add something like this to your ~/.bashrc or execute these lines in your shell before you need to pull updates from your remote project and Git will proxy the requests through your corporate firewall appliance automatically.

$ grep 'https\?_proxy' ~/.bashrc
export http_proxy=
export https_proxy=

Alternatively, if you want to keep all your Git configurations in one place, you can add this to our ~/.gitconfig to configure Git's proxy settings:

    proxy =

If you only need to proxy the repositories hosted outside of the company network, you can use a pattern like this to filter the domains that use the proxy configuration settings.

For example any repository hosted on servers, use:

[http ""]
    proxy =

For more details on proxy-ing http based Git projects, check-out the --proxy option in the curl(1) man page, or the http.proxy entry in the git-config documentation.

Proxy Git Remotes

Another common way to fetch updates from a remote tree is by using their git://* URI which uses the Git Server Protocol. Often used to share projects that do not require any user authentication as it is the fastest of the three transfer protocols available.

To proxy these types of requests we will need Git to run a simple shell script, like the example below, any time we fetch a remote repository. This example script will proxy all repositories outside of the domain.

$ cat ~/bin/gitproxy
if [ $1 == * ]; then
    # the repository is outside the company network, proxy it
    # no need to proxy internal network traffic
    socat tcp:$1:$2

Then, to have Git run this script, we can set the gitProxy setting in our ~/.gitconfig like this:

    gitProxy = ~/bin/gitproxy

Because this is just a simple shell script, we can make this as complicated or as simple as we want. For example, you can add more logic if you use a laptop that may need work outside of the office.

Proxy SSH Remotes

Finally, if the remote starts with ssh://* or uses a typical ssh connection like* we are connecting via the SSH protocol. These connections are typically used when you maintain the remote repository or otherwise need to authenticate yourself before you can git push changes to the server.

In these situations, Git relies on SSH to handle the authentication and connection to the remote, which means we will need to edit our ~/.ssh/config file to proxy these types of connections.

Inside OpenSSH's configuration file, we can use the ProxyCommand option for all remote excluding any URI inside our company's network.

Host * !*
    User git
    ProxyCommand socat

Or we can manually add the remotes we want proxied. For example any remote at

    User git
    ProxyCommand socat

For more information about OpenSSH's config file options, checkout the ssh_config(5) man page.

Wrapping Up

I hope these notes were of some use or helped you in some way. I recently accepted my first open source role working for a larger company (>10,000 people) and wanted to write these notes down in the hopes it would help others working in open source projects behind walled gardens.

As always if you see something that wasn't correct or I need to update or clarify, please feel free to send me a note any kind of way that is convenient to you.
